虽然影片节奏慢,但是每场戏都有细节或是情感抓着观众,让人看进去、看下去. 在直线叙事的基础上,切换了一家三口的视觉,用不同的横切面,以及逐渐超现实的剧情,展示父亲绝症给这个三口之家带来的影响,最后在父亲视角—返回故里的篇章,完成情感升华,很感人. 爸爸回老家的那段,每次回想,都要泪崩......I found this a delightful way to spend part of an afternoon with a friend! It was what I expected from trailer, nothing more, nothing less. I go to a movie to be entertained, not to pick apart everyone's physical attributes. Lighten up, have fun, enjoy the music. 一句到尾: 老年版《甜蜜的东方》, 四個65+女人譜寫屬於自己噶忘年戀, BTW好中意好中意Andy Garcia, 望住距對眼會情不自禁咁falling in love, 一個令人著迷噶男人!.